The cons of electronic medical records
The cons of electronic medical records

the cons of electronic medical records

  • Although slightly decreased from the 60% who reported feeling concerned in 2016, 54% of the public today still feel “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” of unauthorized access to their confidential medical records and personal information.
  • 44% of adults over the age of 65 reported better quality of physician interaction with only 9% saying an EHR has adversely affected interaction.
  • 43% of adults between the age of 50-64 reported better interaction while only 10% say an EHR has negatively affected interaction quality.
  • the cons of electronic medical records

  • 41% of adults between the age of 30-49 reported better quality interaction with only 9% reporting worse quality.
  • 49% of adults between the age of 18-29 reported their physician/patient interaction is better with only 1% saying that interaction is worse with an EHR.
  • As it pertains to an EHR’s impact on the quality of the physician/patient interaction, of the 88% who reported that their physician currently used an EHR, a total of 44% reported an improvement with only 7% reporting a decrease in interaction quality.
  • 41% of adults over the age of 65 reported their quality of care is better while only 8% citing worse quality of care with an EHR.
  • 44% of adults between the age of 50-64 reported their quality of care is better while only 9% say an EHR has negatively affected their quality of care.
  • 43% of adults between the age of 30-49 reported their quality of care is better with only 6% reporting worse quality of care with an EHR.
  • 57% of adults between the age of 18-29 reported their quality of care is better with none saying their quality of care is worse with an EHR.
  • Of that percentage, 45% state that the use of an EHR has increased the quality of care provided by their physician, 47% reported the quality of care remained the same, and only 6% said their physician’s use of an EHR made the quality of care worse.
  • Who had implemented a computer-based medical record in their practice a decade

    the cons of electronic medical records

    Physician currently uses an EHR, nearly doubling the number of physicians (46%) Tracking poll which examines the public’s attitudesĪbout and experiences with EHRs. Let’s take a look at findings from a January 2019 KFF Health While many people have a positive outlook on this technology, manyĪlso have concerns. Improvement within health care provision, planning and policy, and health Patient and Public PerceptionsĮxploring patient and public views of EHRs provides areas of Of electronic health records remains a challenge, understanding patient and publicĪttitudes inform future EHR advancements. Physicians agree that EHRs have increased practice efficiency while improving patientĬare, but what do the patients think? While the development and implementation Practices around the world to increase productivity, efficiency, and success. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have been implemented by health

    The cons of electronic medical records